Newton's First Law of Motion

  • An object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will remain in motion, at constant velocity and in a straight line, un line acted upon by a net force

  • An object will continue in its current state of motion unless an unbalanced force acts upon it

  • An object at rest will remain at rest unless an unbalanced force acts upon them

  • Also known as the law of inertia


  • A force is a push or pull on an object

  • Unites of force are newtons (N)

  • C:\25225E85\B09A51C6-0574-4A0C-A2C1-496768C10C63_files\image047.png

Contact Force Field Force
Applied Force
Electrical Force
Magnetic Force

Net Force

  • A net force is the vector sum of all the forces acting on an object

  • If all forces are balanced, there is no net force. This situation is known as translational equilibrium

  • An unbalanced force is a net force


  • Static Equilibrium

    • Net force on an object is 0

    • Net torque on an object is 0

    • Object is at rest

  • Mechanical Equilibrium

    • Net force on an object is 0

    • Net torque on an object is 0

  • Translational Equilibrium

    • Net force on an object is 0


  • Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist a change in velocity

  • Mass actually has two aspects

    • Inertial mass is how hard it is to change an object's velocity

    • Gravitational mass is how strongly a gravitational field affects a mass

  • For the purposes of basic introductory physics, mass and inertia are synonymous

Free Body Diagrams

  • Tools used to analyze physical situations

  • Show all the force acting on a single object

  • Object itself drawn as a dot or rectangle


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